More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Easy Women
The Results Are In. Women Are Really Easy!
GENEVA - A Swiss scientist has determined, after years of testing and analyzing subjects, that women are by nature just slutty.

“We hope this will change how some women are looked at now and perhaps redefine how a ‘lady’ should really act.” Said Dr. Hans Sphitsborg PHD of the University of Switzerland.

The test consisted of 100 female test subjects. These women were sent out every night to different “hot spots” and they had a scoring rate of 97.3%.

When asked why it was a 97.3% success rate, and not higher Sphitsborg said, “Well, there are three women in the group who are plain ugly. Then there is one who is OK, as looks go. Plus, you do have to add in the menstruation cycle factor as well.”

We told Dr. Sphitsborg, that to us, this is not enough proof to call women “slutty” by nature, and that we feel he should have more proof. Sphitsborg responded, “Well, I asked them all to have sex with me and they
all denied me. As far as I am concerned, they are all dirty whores.”

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Tha Mike

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