More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Truth be told: I think David Blain Is Osama Bin Laden

(Editor’s note: This article was featured months earlier on Faux-Newz, and prompted the subsequent arrest and 44 day long detainment of illusionist, David Blaine.  However, since Bin Laden and Hussein were apprehended last week, in a WalMart raid by the FBI,  Blaine has been released on his own recognizance.  Authorities and Faux-Newz have issued formal apologies to the Blaine family.)

I was reading up on the “amazing” David Blaine yesterday, and as I was looking at one of his press photos, I realized I had seen him somewhere before.

I thought to myself, “You’ve seen him on his magic special on TV.” No that wasn’t it. “Youˆve seen him in his box of ice.”  Nope. Wrong again. “Then it would have had to have been all the latest news of him living in a box suspended in the air by a crane for 44 days.” That still wasnˆt it.


I tried to move on with my day, but the thought kept popping into my head. I hardly got anything accomplished and I couldn’t sleep that night. The thought was still there in the morning and that next day and a week later. I was driving myself crazy over David Blaine. What the hell is wrong with me?

Finally, one night, out of nowhere, it hit me. I know where I’ve seen him before!!!  If you remove the beard and turban, you can clearly see that David Blaine is the newest disguise for Osama Bin Laden.

Take note of that crazy look in his eyes. The way he talks slow and without emotion. The way he mesmerizes people with his actions. The way he can disappear without anyone knowing where he is.

I cannot help but wonder what you are up to, Osama. Is this newest disguise a way to hide from the rest of the world as you plan for another terrorist attack?

Perhaps you realized that terrorism isn’t the way to go and you just decided to get into the magic business. Or is it that you are just so afraid for your life, that this is your last resort to hide from your would be assassins?

It does make complete sense now, the fact that “David Blaine” sat in a block of ice for a few days, or sat in that box without anything for that whole time. It is nothing compared to the way Osama had to have lived in his caves.

Hell, these stunts are almost second hand to Bin Laden and his Satan-like ways.

I hope that this letter opens the eyes to everyone in the world and it blows the cover for that clever, yet cunning devil.

You probably would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for a compulsive thinker such as myself. I know that certain other writers have written stories about Bin Laden & Hussein, however I think that’s all fabricated. I truly feel I am right on this one.

Damn you to hell, Osama Bin Laden. I just wonder who Saddam Hussein is posing as these days.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Tha Mike

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