More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Italian Workers Strike: Productivity Reaches New High

Throughout Italy on Thursday, transportation and civil employees spent several hours protesting a new plan by the Italian Junta In Charge to lower taxes and raise retirement age to 50. Workers took as much as three hours in the middle of the day to stop working and gather in piazzas in every major city in a loosely organized protest of the proposed new policies.
"We are raising our voices to tell the bastards in government that we will not stand by and let them trample our rights without protest." Said Giovanni Brazzaccioccicci, a member of the powerful transportation worker's union U.I.O.I.M.L.D.S.R.O.L.

Despite the heartiest efforts of the disgruntled workers, however, the net result  of the protest turned out to be an increase in man hours on a scale which Italy has not seen since the mid sixties.


Italian government employees customarily take a four-to-five hour lunch break, while the protest lasted for only three hours. As a result, several million workers returned from their mid-day breaks up to two hours early. The extra man-hours resulted in increased production, near-perfect train and bus schedules, and the surprise eviction and deportation of rocker Sting from the Tuscany region, which annoyed locals thought would take several more years to effect.
A spokesman for the U.I.O.I.M.L.D.S.R.O.L. has stated that plans for another protest will include at least a five-to-six hour worker's strike, which will have to be spread over several days to accommodate the actual work hours to be abandoned.
"We will not be ignored!!! Again." said the spokesman.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Tom Cox

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