More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Thinking About

Did you ever have one of those weeks where you feel so uncreative you couldn't even come up with a clever way describe how you felt?

I've been that way now for over a week and no matter what I did, I couldn't think of anything witty or funny to say. I didn't have my usual snappy remarks for people walking down the street saying things that irriated me. I didn't even win one argument I was in with my friends which is weird because as far as my friends go I usually don't back down from an argument even if I'm clearly wrong.

I didn't know what to do, I was all but ready to give up. Then this morning I was doing my daily visit on thamike.com and there was a post about music and non-mainstream artists or groups.


Anyway, I got out my book of CD's, my old bean bag chair and sat next to my stereo and started listing to some of the groups that were mentioned in the discussion I read earlier.

I came across the song "Brian Wilson" by Bare Naked Ladies and I really listened to the words for the first time. See, I'm not a very big BNL fan.

Regardless the one line was...

"So I'm lying here, just staring at the ceiling tiles. and I'm thinking about what to think about."

I realized that the reason why i've been so off lately was because i've been thinking about things way to mucking fuch. I've gone thru this before and I will again, it just always seems that I need a spark to light the fuse.

Of course this article isn't very creative and you should be sitting there saying who gives a flying fuck. If you are, too bad. I needed to get it out before I could move on.

I still really don't like Bare Naked Ladies.The new Magnus makes a real statement about the person bold enough to drive it...

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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