More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
So You Have The Flu…
A Health Pamphlet By Dr. Russell Paika

The horrendous Influenza outbreak of 2003 holds many in a state of panic. Thankfully, most of them don’t live in The United States. If those other people had given the situation a bit of forethought, they would live in The United States, and they probably wouldn’t be shitting and puking themselves rotten in some slum in Manila right now. However, in the shadow of 9/11, we Americans can’t be thinking about those careless yet pitiful souls these days. We must think Prevention. If Prevention fails, we must think Containment. If that fails, we have either Treatment or Extermination. I’m sure you will opt for the former.

First of all, let us narrow down our symptoms. If you exhibit any of the following symptoms, please call 1(800)-683-2003. An immediate medi-vac helicopter rescue team will be deployed to your location and quickly drop you off in an as of yet undisclosed location:

"Would You Feel Better
If I Take Off My Top?"

......* Bloodshot eyes
......* Nausea and/or headache
......* Fever
......* Cold sweats
......* Numbing of extremities (Canada only)
......* Paranoia, confusion, or lack of faith in the news media
......* Fear of murky water
......* Pessimism, environmentalism, and attraction to bran
......* Fear of Medi-Vac helicopters
......* The desire to shit on the subway
......* Making dissenting remarks about John Ashcroft
......* Dying

I f you have exhibited any of these symptoms, you probably have the flu. If you haven’t exhibited these symptoms this holiday season, you might want to take measures to prevent the flu. Here are three surefire methods of preventing flu contraction:

* Lock your doors, seal your windows, and disconnect your telephone. Then coat yourself in Saran Wrap. Don’t forget the Clorox for close encounters. The sting only lasts moments.

* When a stranger grunts, sniffles, sneezes, or coughs within a 1,000 meter radius of you, make a big fucking deal about it. Scrunch up your nose. Look disgusted. Feel better? Good.

* Finally, confiscate all influenza vaccines in The United States, then administer all of them, one by one, into your body. This worked for Ashcroft and Rumsfeld. If you were good this year, they might have another dose left.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Russell Paika

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