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By thamike.com
President Bush Critically Injures Man With Golf Ball

CRAWFORD, TX - Norman J. Peterson, 87, of Hicksville County is in critical condition after being struck by a Titleist 2 from the golf swing of President George W. Bush, according to a high ranking US official. 
Peterson was taking his hacks out of the fairway bunker on the 13th hole at the Portersmith Golf and Country Club on Wednesday, when the 43rd U.S. President hooked a 7-iron right into the side of his head. 
“He was just sitting in the sand there trying to find his dentures when the ball hit him,” explained fellow golfer Dean Simpson.  “The man never even yelled ‘fore.’”

"I Used The Wrong
Golfing Strategery"

According to Simpson, President Bush just stared at the fallen man for about thirty seconds, before turning to his caddy for another ball and continuing play.  Simpson and other concerned golfers were the ones who actually contacted paramedics. 
President Bush was approached by reporters when he left Portersmith's Members Only Club that  evening.
“I've never had a hole-in-one, but I did hit a guy.  I though about yelling fore, but all I could say was 'there's no way that's gonna hit him',” the President said. 
When asked why he walked away after striking Peterson, the President replied, “I just figured that in the interest of national security, I should remain anonymous.”
The outlook for Peterson is grim, according to hospital officials.

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