More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Local Evironmentalist Dead At Age 46
Local environmental activist Potable Greywater passed away yesterday at age 46. "Potty" as he was known to his friends in the earth-muffin community, was hugging a 100 year oak tree when he suddenly passed out, stopped breathing, turned blue, shit himself, and died. An autopsy is pending, but the cause of death is believed to be related to a cerebral termite infestation.

Potty Greywater served as chairperson for the local chapter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Trees and Shrubs since 1998. He fought adamantly against the use of wood and wood products for what he termed non-essential uses such as lumber and medicine. A strict vegan, he refused to eat anything with a face. Fellow activist Kareem-Abdul Rosenberg was with him when he died. Rosenberg spoke to Faux News, about his friend. "Like, were gonna miss him, he was like, you, know, good people, like we are all so bummed, this like sucks, you know?"

A memorial service for Greywater will be held at 2 pm on Saturday at the Hemp Center for Spiritual Peace, Harmony, and Karma. After the ceremony Greywater will be ground up and used for fertilizer in the community organic garden. Potty is survived by his long time companion Runnystuff Inmy-Bush.

Written And Submitted by
Dr. Dave

A Child Reinacts Potty's
Last Moments On This Earth

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