More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Russell Paika's Valentine’s Day Tips

It’s that time of year again! Love is in the air, if you are rich, or beautiful or a combination of the two! I’m sure you all want to be alone with each other right now, but hear me out, my friends! Listen to Uncle Russell for I have some very good pointers to ensure that hot thumping love at the end of your evening!

First of all, you can’t be gay. Gay people hate Valentine’s Day for what we straight people did to it. That’s right. First we took Kwanzaa, and Arbor Day, and now Valentine’s. It’s a damn shame. I thought they were doing a good job, but majority rules. Keep the 14th S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T. Women don’t like to be courted by queers. It sets them off kilter.


While on that special date, always have a prophylactic handy. Don’t be obvious about it. Keep one or two close-by, but concealed. When the time comes, you’ll be prepared. If you are a magician, keep your rubbers hidden behind your date’s ear until just the right moment.

Making restaurant reservations is important. If you were smart, you would’ve just stayed in line at the place you forgot to make reservations at last year.

Remember that even though it’s Valentine’s Day, frugality shouldn’t be tossed to the wind. Nor should tact. It’s always best to dump your girlfriend around the 8th of February. That way she won’t think you’re just a cheapskate.

Remember when you were in 2nd grade and that cute pigtailed girl had a crush on you and she’d send you all those love notes? What were you thinking back then, man? Get the phone book out! It’s time to finish up some business!

DO NOT murder any ex-lovers on Valentine’s Day. This is totally unoriginal. Save it for tax day or something. Grandmother’s Day would be cool, too. If you absolutely must kill your ex-lover on Valentine’s Day, avoid edged weapons. Blunt tools will more effectively throw off the authorities.

Now I know what you ladies must be thinking. “Russell Paika only writes for men!”

This is not true. I have a few pointers for you too.

Unless you are married, you should be VERY suspicious of any guy you are dating who does that “trail of flower petals” thing. This is integral to your physical and intellectual survival.

If you don’t bring up Valentine’s Day long beforehand, your boyfriend shouldn’t be punished for any shortcomings as to your ticker-tape parade, or whatever it is you expect every year. And if you constantly bring up Valentine’s Day, you are probably alone every year between March and August. Please adjust accordingly.
And if you are a woman who wants to be loved and to love another, and just wants to chill out and listen to the Pixies and drive to Mexico and smoke cigarettes on a balcony and drink Singapore Slings and kiss for a long time and throw water balloons at kids and read magazines and smoke more cigarettes and maybe drag race a little while on Vespas……..

……You’ve heard too much, and you hide too well.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Russell Paika

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