More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com


I heard you were quitting this column, is that true?

Quitters are Pussies

Dear Pussies:

Yeah. But fortunately, your lame-ass had to ask a question that I had to answer, so I guess there's just one more, isn't there?

Listen, I blame douchebags like you--sure, you read what I write. You chuckle as I tell some kid to go and smoke a bunch of cocks with his daddy, but then you move on to something else, when really, you've got some latent homosexuality issue that you know I can help you with, but no, instead, you just say "fuck it" and keep cruising.

Either that, or the dickwads that I write for are too fucking stupid to put a "Submit Your Question To Rude" form on the same fucking pages as my column.

Either way, you all are still very much borderline functional retards and I'm surprised you've made it this far.

* Note - Yes we are dickwads, we had a Submit To Rude link before but somehow it was removed. Our apologies.


Why is it that everyone seems to be so frustrated lately? It seems that even the regular happy-go-lucky types at my favorite sites are all up in each others' shit lately.

Sad Sack

Dear Sac:

It's that in-between season period right now--the "in-between wearing a big sweater to cover my back bacon and acne-coated back and the now-it's-warm-so-I-need-to-lose-50lbs-so-I-can-stand-a-chance-at-getting -laid-again, maybe-season".

So, look, break out the Foreman grill, lard-asses. Start frying up some chicken and drink the low-carb bitch brew that you need to work off the wait. Get your whiney little carbohydrate-starved Nancy-ass bodies on a fucking treadmill or a stairmaster and stop watching fucking pre-season baseball; the Chicago Cubs aren't going to rock the hizzouse until after the season starts, so you might just as well quit your lazy lollygagging and do something. March Madness is just around the corner and if you don't get your sad asses into your own training regimine before then, well, you're just screwed lard-ass cry babies who'll never get laid, unless the whore you're picking up weighs as much as you and has just as much acne on her back-bacon.

So, pick it up, douchebags. I'm tired of fucking with you; I'm going to get laid this year, with or without you degenerates.

Oh, and start small.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

Direct your questions to: rude@thamike.com or click here

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