More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
St. Patty

Whether you'll be hoisting a pint of green beer or tipping back a wee bit of whiskey this St. Patrick's Day, it's sure and begorrah that you'll be taking part in one of the nation's most alcohol-soaked holidays.

The annual March ritual is also prime time for unhealthy binge drinking, alcohol-related emergency room visits, and deadly auto crashes caused by drunk driving. Simply put, this can be the best holiday of the year thanks to those crazy drunk bastards the Irish!

The Irish are known the world over for having a good time while they are out drinking so below I have added some interesting drinking games that could help you along on your quest to get sloshed. If you choose to use them then use them wisely. Be safe, get pissed, get laid and enjoy it while you can. Make it count, it may be your last, you never ever know.

Drinking Games...

Beer Blow
All you need is a deck of cards, an empty beer bottle and some friends. Place the deck of cards on top of the beer bottle, then each player takes it in turn to blow at least one card off. The player who blows the last card off is the loser, and therefore has to do a drinking fine.

Fuzzy Duck
Player one starts the game by saying 'Fuzzy Duck'. The person to the left, player two, follows this opening gambit by either announcing 'Fuzzy Duck' or 'Does he?'. If he say 'Fuzzy Duck' the game continues and moves to player three, who also has the opportunity to say 'Fuzzy Duck' or 'Does he?'. If he chooses to say 'Does he?' the play is reversed and goes back the way it came, when this happens instead of saying 'Fuzzy Duck' player two now has to say 'Ducky Fuzz'. When play is reversed 'Does he?' can still be said, and thereby reversing it again. If 'Ducky Fuzz' is said instead of 'Fuzzy Duck' and vice versa, or if anyone speaks out of turn then drinking fined should be carried out.

Bouncing Ball
This is a fast paced word game and a large group of players is needed, i.e. six. The basic rule of the game is this: only three words can be spoken once the game begins - 'whizz', 'bounce', and 'boing'. Next, pick somebody to start the game. This person holds the imaginary ball which will be moved around the group depending on which of the words is spoken. It works like this, If a player says 'whizz' the ball is passed on to the next player (depending on which way of play). If a player says 'bounce', the ball skips a player and bounces on to the next player. Finally, if player says 'Boing', the ball reverse direction.

No Drink
The aim of the game is to not say ‘drink’ or any variation of the world. The penalty is downing whatever drink you have in your hand or your companions may choose a suitable drink for you to sump.

The Shake Game
This game is best played outside or at someone else's house. Place one can per person on the table/floor. Shake one can vigorously. Each person must choose a can & open it six inches away from their face. The person who gets a face full of beer has to down another can.

Find an episode of The Simpsons. Every time Homer says "D'oh!" drink a shot or a few gulps of beer. By the end of the episode you should be nicely intoxicated.

3 Men
Everyone starts off by rolling one die till someone rolls a three. This person then becomes the three man. The game then proceeds around the circle with people taking turns rolling the dice. The dice are only passed when someone rolls something that does not require drinking. Here is what each roll means:

When dice total:

3 - Whoever is the three man must drink. If the three man rolls this then he may pass the title to a person of his choosing.

7 - Person to the right of "roller" drinks

9 - Person across from "roller" drinks

10 - Social...everyone drinks

11 - Person to the left of "roller" drinks

Pulp Fiction
Watch the movie "Pulp Fiction and take a drink every time a character says the "f" word or a derivative of it. Finish your drink whenever they show the briefcase.

You need a dartboard and lots of beers.

First you shoot a dart. If it hits 20, you have 20 points. Then your partner takes his/her turn and he/she hits 12 then one gets 12 points. If there is more than 2 players, everybody goes after the
whole round.

You can make any other player drink a gulp for every one of your points. After a game you'll all end really drunk.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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