More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Creu's Crisis Center

President Bush’s Destroying His Own Presidency

I actually liked this guy when he was strictly dealing with the War overseas. I feel he did a hell of a job kicking ass and trying to let these 3rd and 4th world countries know not to mess the US. I thought he handled the War better then most would have. I supported the guy through out his whole Iraq and Afghanistan ordeal. But as of late with out major War to consume this mans time; I have to say that with some of his ideas and values he is trying to turn this great free speaking country into a nightmare of force feed Christian beliefs.

Keep God out of State and federal issues. Laws are made for the people to abide by and live destruction free, safe and comfortable lives, and not to appease any kind of God or religion. That is for your local established faith based churches to do. Not big brother or any kind of official.

How this man can site God for his proposals and reasons for his actions is absolutely deplorable and sickening. It is fine to base you life on a faith to keep you running straight and noble to your self and family. But to push a religious life style upon the people is outrageous and sad. If a President has strong ties to God that is great. But keep your values, and interest to yourself.

What we got here is an activist in office. As far as I am concerned activist are what ruins our beloved country, and are the very utmost dangerous people. They destroy and try to create what they cannot. They believe so strongly in what they think is the way and what is right that they will kill and destroy anyone and anything that gets into their path of what they fell is righteousness.

For example: Bushagainstgaymarriage

Gay and Lesbian marriages. Now I personally don’t see how a man can look at another man and think I gotta have that. But whether or not I feel it is against my faith or not it is not my business or concern. It isn’t like I am witnessing a murder or rape. It is two people who want to be together. And if I feel that strongly about my faith what do I really care about what someone else does. My faith says they are going to hell. Who am I and what do I really care if they do. I am not here to save anybody but my self. It is not my right to interfere with what Joe schmoo wants to do, or whom he wants to do as long as it is consenting adults. Why should it be the Nations top priority to stop this? I can see if it was a hate based crime or something to deal with anger and terror. But it only has to do with love. Let the gays and Lesbians do what they want. I don’t care what any church has to say. If I see two dudes kissing it isn’t going to turn meinto some queer. Leave what is alone and try to worry about what really matters. And that is not two guys or girls wanting to have some dumbass piece of paper saying they are married.
What is worse yet is VP dick Chaney. His Goddamn daughter is a lesbian. And while Bush spread his hate beliefs to America the VP sits idly by and does not say a word in defense of his daughter.

Example 2: bushsspeechagainstabortions

Now President Bush is 100%against abortions and stem cell research. For what possible reasons. It has nothing to do with the better of the Country. All it has to do with is his Christian beliefs. Why is it any man or women shouldn’t be able to decide if they want a child or not? I mean other then Activist groups noone cares. If some young family took all the precautions and she gets pregnant and they aren’t ready and feel it is their choice to have an abortion so be it. Once again, it is their choice and bodies. If the President feels like it is a slap to the lord so what. Let them burn in hell for it.
And the tem cell research thing is pathetic. Korea has actually had break through in this area, while we sit here worrying about retarded shit. Stem cell research would find the cures for all major terminal deseaes. It could cure Cancers and other horrible pain inflecting diseases.

Look I could site a hundred examples here today. But the point is this man with out his War going on is a danger to this country. His actions have changed my mind.

I am far from a lets go Government guy. I hate the government. I think they don’t do anything for the people because they have never lived like the people do. 99% of all government elected officials comes from wealthy families. Which in turn means they have no clue to what an average American family endures in a normal workweek. President Bush wants to be a Saint when he goes. He thinks all of the U.S.A. believes in the Bible like he does. He needs to take a step back from all his religious crap and look at it at what is best for the people here.

Big business only last for so long. And religion comes and goes as the tides turn. Priest molest boys, straight men commit majority of malicious crimes, and abortion activist commit more ruthless, horrible senseless murders then a single mother getting a fetus aborted every does. Yet President Bush is worrying about what the church will think, the horrible things gay and lesbians do in the name of love for each other, and a women in distress that makes the hardest decision in her life to abort her OWN unborn fetus.

It is time. The waters deep and the tides are coming in. Change must take place or we will be going further and further back in time. AS a good quote that always stood with me:

“In Germany they came first for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me--and by that time no one was left to speak up.” - Written by Martin Niemöller

My point of all this being, as we are the little man in all of this the time is coming for a serious revolt to what is not liked by Americans themselves. A small percentage of Acticivist and Lobbyist rule our way of life here. We must find ways to get back our civil liberties and rights as “we the people” deserve.

So I leave you with two great quotes to sum this all up:

"Mankind is at its beat when it is most free. This will be clear if we grasp the principle of liberty. We must recall that the basic principle of liberty is freedom of choice, which saying many have their lips but few in their minds" - Dante Aligheri

And this I believe: "That the free exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in all the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea religion, or government, which limits or destroys the individual." - John Steinbeck “East of Eden”


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