More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Pre-Nup Could Be Null And Void Due To Pinky Swear

The marriage of small time Texas oil tycoon Buford "Biff" Longley and his wife Bambi Boticin-Longley had fallen apart over 3 years ago but their pending divorce is moving along at a snails pace.

Bambi Boticin-Longley's Lawyers are arguing that, "Even though our client was only married to Mr. Longley for 6 days at the time she filed for divorce, she is entitled to the entire estate of Mr. Longley due to his preparation and signing of a Pre Nuptual agreement stating that marital infidelity would grant her possession everything they own. Mr. Longley was discovered sleeping with several prostitutes, waitresses, nannies, cleaning ladies and cattle on his ranch outside of Lubbock since their union. Therefore he has clearly violated this agreement."

Mrs. Longely's Lawyers Work
Through The Night Trying To
Find A Pinky Swear Loophole.

Biff Longley’s sole argument against his wife is. "She promised me that if I did this PreNup it would just be a piece of paper to appease her ageing Christian parents. My wife told me she loved me more than anything ever in this world and that she pinky swore she would never hold the PreNup against me."

Mr. Longley’s Lawyer Steven Kaulbach said in his clients behalf, "Mrs. Longley has made certain promises to my client that she has clearly broken (speaking of the pinky swear) because she has done this we feel that this agreement should be Null and Void."

He added, "I am very confident that our case will stand in court and Mr. Longley will be the victor seeing that they were married for less than a week. I do ask this... Who really even gives a shit?

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Tha Mike

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