More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Creu's Crisis Center

Anti Smoking Ads

Now I am a smoker. I know a lot of smokers and non-smokers. All alike that I talk to absolutely hate these anti smoking commercials.

Compliance alliance. These people must have nothing better to do with their time. These lackluster annoying commercials make me want to keep smoking just in spite of them. I know that is stupid. But fuck man, how condescending do these people have to be. Just because people smoke does not make them idiots or any less productive people of society.

We know the bad things about cigarettes. But we also know the effects of alcohol, pollution, war, riding a bike without a helmet, aids, and many other things that are bad for you or the person around you. But for some reason cigarette smokers get nailed hardest and first.

We get taxed out the ass. Banned from society itself. Treated like criminals when we purchase smokes. Looked at with utter disgust by some fat ass greasy scumbags.

Why? Because it is an easy cause for people to get behind and then the government has all the right to make billions off of us.

Just because you don’t like smoking doesn’t give you any right to tell me to get away. If so where does it end? Can I tell the smelly cop that pulled me over he has to leave me alone and leave my personal area because he makes me nauseous? Can I take the keys from the guy who can’t afford to fix his car that smokes out the tail pipe like a chimney because his fumes can hurt me? Am I allowed to make patients at doctors leave the waiting room before I enter because their germs can harm me? And can I tell someone to get away from me because they make me physiologically unstable with mental anguish and thoughts of jamming my pack of cigarettes into their ears and pull them out of their ass?

If so then I say:

Fuck all of you people who look down on us. Fuck you people for treating me like a leper when I light up. Fuck you for getting involved with my life. Fuck you for thinking the taxing and banning will stop at smokers. Fuck you for being an uptight pecker head that probably does more damage to the environment and makes more people hate the fact that you exist. Fuck you for just being you.


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