More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Creu's Crisis Center

I Love My Country

I sat down to write this article this weekend and wrote down many, many different things. Then I realized I couldn’t think of anything to put down that is of any kind of relevance.

I mean I still hate a lot of people. With such a passion it sometimes even scares me.

I still despise the government with an absolute hatred of all that is alive and well in the government.

I still loath bad commercials, ads, radio shit, religious groups and so on.

But I think I am at the point right now where nothing seems to surprise me anymore about how people act.

Society as a whole has turned into a cest pool of minority’s, immigrants and religious faggots that have slowly turned this country into a shit whole of a place.

Don’t get me wrong I still love my country, but I have to almost vomit at the thought of what this place is turning into. We are only a few steps from totally annihilating ourselves.

I love what America is supposed to be. What it is supposed to stand for. Not what it has become? The ideals of this country were based on that everyone had the same chances as everyone else, and no body gets left behind. Everything is fair and no one gets screwed.

Well leave it to scum bag assholes to abuse everything about this country to the point where the meanings of what America stand for are whored around at every court hearing and every street corner. The rules have been dissected to the point anyone can use them to benefit from. Good, bad, ugly, and downright rotten.

I love my country; I just hate the people living in it.

Guess I had something to say anyway.


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