More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Media Under-Reports Missing White Woman Case

Washington D.C. - In a rare show of restraint, media outlets all over the country have under-reported the disappearance of yet another white, attractive female from some podunk small town you never heard of before. This seems to be a response to the over-reporting of such cases as Lacy Peterson and Elizabeth Smart.

The case being under-reported is that of Amanda Ann Sugar, from Huskerville, Iowa, who went missing two weeks ago and doesn't have a sexy enough "backstory" to merit more than a passing mention in most national outlets. Since Mrs. Sugar's disappearance, her family has gathered daily outside their home waiting for word of a possible appearance on "The O'Reilly Factor" or "Today" show.

"We're just praying that whoever has her hasn't killed her," Dale Vector, Amanda Ann's father said, "and that he is willing to send us some ransom demands, so we have something to talk about on 'Larry King'."

Mrs. Sugar, 29 was last reported seen in the vicinity of the Stuff Ur Face grocery store in Sioux City, on the 13th of this month. She had just gone to the tanning salon, and was planning on surprising her husband Ted, 28, with a steak dinner and an evening spent watching the Pax network's "Christie" marathon. Police fear she may have been the victim of boredom with her life in Iowa, and possibly let herself be abducted by a Satanic sex cult. Officers admitted the last part about the cult was purely speculation to lure the media's eyes to their tiny community.

Amanda Ann worked at the town's only knick-knacks store, selling novelty items based on the history of Iowa to tourists. Having run into financial ruin doing so, police Thursday said that she perhaps had finally run off to Los Angeles to be an actress, or was perhaps abducted by a sex-starved alien spacecraft.

All week long, the media blackout of this utterly dull disappearance has caused some to wonder if the appetite for such sensationalism is over. But such fears seem premature; there are now reports out of Chicago that another pretty, young white woman has gone missing, with a more interesting story angle centered on Satanic cults, witchcraft, UFOs, and horny school crossing guards. Expect film at eleven.

Written & Submitted by
Trev Danger - Sensationalist At Large (It's my Hobby)

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