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By thamike.com
Dept. Of Homeland Security Raises Democrat Alert

WASHINGTON D.C. - The Department Of Homeland Security raised the color-coded Democrat Alert to “red” yesterday, prompting hieghtened security around Federal buildings, parks, reservoirs, and bridges.

The alert came directly after the Democratic National Convention in Boston, and right before the Republican National Convention in New York City.

“We know that Democrats are on our soil at this moment,” Tom Ridge said at a press conference this morning. “They are planning another strike. A Democratic attack is imminent. We have discovered this through interrogations of multiple Democratic detainees around the world. The Democrats intend to disrupt the Democratic process sometime before November. In the case of a vote recount, they may strike in January. Right now, our intelligence leads us to believe that a group of sleeper Democrats that have obtained illegal visas intend to strike during or before the Republican National Convention in New York. That is all, thank you.”

Ridge - "Stay Vigilant"

President Bush was quick to allay public fears or panic.

“My fellow Americans,” he said to reporters outside of his campaign bus in Ohio, “Do not panic. Yes it’s true that these folks intend to disrupt the Democratic process. They wish to instill fear in the hearts of all who love and inhabit this great country. But I promise you, this convention will happen. This election will happen, just as it did in 2000: without fear, and without disaster. Go shopping. God bless. Vote for me.”

The intelligence community alerted the president of the threat after Democrat cellphone “chatter” grew overwhelmingly disturbing and precise over the past month and especially the past week.

Tom Ridge also issued a statement explaining how American citizens can help deter a Democratic attack.

“Stay vigilant,” he said. “A Democrat might even be living in your neighborhood as we speak. Keep an eye out for anyone dressed in earthtones or driving a compact car. Report any incidents of Frisbee or vegetarianism to your local terrorism hotline. Be on the look-out for cute teenage girls with tiny backpacks, cars with bumper-stickers that criticize the government, anyone from Hollywood, or any man in sandals. The American people must work as a team to defeat this menace.”

The Department Of Homeland Security intends to keep the Democrat Alert at “red” until February, 2005.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Russell Paika

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